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27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 29.10.2015 22:00

Ich nickte nach dem Kuss. "Das hört sich gut an. Ich glaube das ist viel besser als wenn wir noch irgendwo hingehen würden.", stimmte ich zu und begleitete ihn dann zu seiner Wohnung. Es war meiner Meinung nach eine wirklich gute Idee die Zeit mit ihm allein verbringen zu können. Wir könnten uns unterhalten mehr über den anderen erfahren und einfach den Abend genießen. 

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 28.10.2015 20:29

Ich war total überrascht gewesen, als er mich geküsst hatte und meine Wangen waren noch leicht gerötet, als wir uns lösten. Ich senkte verlegen den Blick und nickte dann, als er mich fragte ob wir los konnten. "Klar können wir das. Aber wohi wollen wir denn jetzt gehen? In eine andere Bar oder vielleicht doch lieber an einen gemütlicheren ort?", schlug ih vor und dachte daran vielleicht mit zu ihm nach Hause zu gehen oder ihn vielleicht mit zu mir zu nehmen. Wobei ich nicht genau wusste ob ich richtig handeln würde.

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 25.10.2015 21:16

Ich folgte ihm nach draußen und versuchte meine Rotglühenden Wangen zu verbergen, auch wenn mir das mehr schlecht als recht gelang. Leise seufzte ich auf und sah dann verwundert zu Adam hoch und war dann noch verwunderter, als er mich küsste. Das nahm mir doch tatsächlich fast gänzlich meine Nervosität und ich erwiderte mit einem Lächeln seinen Kuss. Meine Hände legten sich in seinen Nacken und ich schmiegte meinen Körper näher an ihn. 

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 25.10.2015 19:14

Ach himmel! Warum war ich heute nur so verdammt verlegen? Ich biss mir auf die Lippe und nickte. "Ja das finde ich gut. Dort war ich schon öfter.", grinste ich und leerte dann mein Glas. Ich war öfter mit meinen Freundinnen dort unterwegs und ja wir konnten uns ja immer Entscheiden wohin wir gehen wollten. 
Als Adam mich jedoch auf die Wange küsste wurde ich promt Rot udn senkte den Blick. "Gut, dann lass uns gehen. Ich ähm... ja... Sorry.", murmelte ich und nästelte an meiner Jacke herum. Okay ich musste mir echt was überlegen, dass ich mich nicht mehr so peinlich verhielt.  

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 25.10.2015 17:33

Ja ich war im Moment verflixt verunsichert. Ich konnte mir nicht mal erklären warum das der Fall war. "Wir könnten ja in eine Bar gehen?", schlug ich vor und strich mir die Haare zurück und lies meinen Blick dann über ihn wandern. Er war heiß hatte aber auch etwas beschützerisches an sich was mich selbst in dieser Umgebung mir ein Gefühl des Behagens verschaffte. "Aber könnten wir vielleicht wo hin gehen, wo es nciht ganz so laut ist?" Die musik war hier eindeugit etwas zu laut für meinen Geschmack und ich wollte mich eigentlich mit ihm unterhalten.

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 23.10.2015 20:59

Ja es war mir irgendwo peinlich, dass ich ihm gestanden hatte, dass ich mich unwohl dabei gefühlt hatte allein hier her zu kommen. Aber jetzt war es auch schon raus und ich konnte daran nichts mehr ändern. Ein verlegenes Grinsen legte sich auf meine Lippen und ich stützte den Ellenbogen auf der Bar ab. "ich weiß nicht. Es war mir tatsächlich etwas unangenehm... Eine meiner Freundinnen ist hier mal überfallen worden und ja das kann auch etwas an meiner Erziehung liegen, abe ich bin diesbezüglich einfach etwas anfällig.", Ich verhaspelte mich schon wieder etwas aber das brachte tatsächlich nur er zu stande. Warum war ich in adams geegenwart so verdammt verlegen? "Wir können gerene noch was unternehmen. mich erwartet im Moment keiner mehr zu hause.", lachte ich und strich leicht über seine Hand. 

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 23.10.2015 17:54

Ich sah mir die Show an und kam zu dem Schluss, dass es eigentlich nicht meine Welt war. Schön und gut, Adam war echt hieß aber ganz wohl fühlte ich mich in diesem Club nicht wirklich. Vielleicht lag es daran, dass ich allein hier war. Vielleicht hätte ich eine Freundin mit hier her bringen sollen? Es wäre eine Überlegung wert gewesen. Zuspät. Ich war jetzt allein hier und Adam kam nach seiner Show zu mir herüber. Wir begrüßten uns mit einem Küsschen auf die Wange und er nahm neben mir platz. "Die Show hat mir wirklich gefallen und tut mir Leid, dass ich ein bisschen spät dran war." Ich hatte ehrlich gesagt etwas verschafen. Aber das erzählte ich ihm nun nicht. Weiterhin überraschte es mich tatsächlich, dass er mir nun die Drinks heute Abend ausgeben wollte. "Du bist wirklich ein Gentleman. Du müsstest mir die Drinks nicht zahlen." Erneut lachte ich und strich mir durch die Haare zurück. "Aber ich hätte wohl lieber mit ein paar Freunden kommen sollen. Ich muss gestehen, dass ich mir etwas sorgen gemacht habe, allein her zu kommen." 

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: The Bardens (kleiner Club)

von Serena am 20.10.2015 21:04

Nach dem ich zu Hause gewesen war hatte ich noch einen schönen angenehmen Tag verbracht. Fast schon zu angenehm, denn ich hatte beinahe mein mehr oder minder DAte mit Adam vergessen. So war ich auch nun um einiges zu spät dran, als ich mich schon spät am Abend auf machte um doch noch in den Club zu kommen in dem Adam arbeitete. 
Der Türsteher lies mich wirklich ohne Probleme herein und ich fühlte mich dann doch etwas verloren. Das war eigentlich nicht meine Welt aber gut, ich hatte ihm ja gesagt, dass ich vorbei kommen würde.
Ich sah mich um und entdeckte ihn dann auf der Bühne. Wow er machte seine Sache wirklich gut. Ein grinsen zierte nun meine Lippen und ich suchte mir nun einen Platz an der Bar. Beim Barkeeper bestellte mir einen Cocktail und lehnte mich dann entspannt zurück. Ich sah mir die Show an und winkte Adam kurz, als er mcih entdeckt hatte.  

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: Adam Bates

von Serena am 20.10.2015 18:59

Ich hätte gerne noch gegenseitiges Interesse udn Flirts und sowas xD 

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing



27, Weiblich


Brooklyn Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single

Beiträge: 33

Re: Gestatten, Serena Darkwood

von Serena am 05.10.2015 16:37

finde ich gut

You took me to your little crib | Guess it must have been a big deal | Got me starring in your wet dream | Now it's time to get real |I'm not looking for love
No not today | But you call me up and had the nerve to say | See you next Tuesday
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you insult me | I think we know the rest
Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit | I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing
You show up everywhere I go | Get a grip you're acting so weird | I don't need your jager bombs | I think I can take it from here |
You got to learn to leave when the party ends | I don't really care what you tell your friends | Tell me again
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like that means something | Can't get your way so you're angry
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch
I think you hate me because you want me | You only want what you can't have | I'm just being who I want to be | But you can't deal with that
You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing | You call me a freak like it means something | Can't get your way so your so pissed off
I think we know the rest | Get it off your chest | I don't give a shit
I love it when you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing

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