Kyle Jamie Night

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27, Männlich


Brooklyn Mittelschicht KFG HIghschool Schüler Artclub Normal Single

Beiträge: 49

Kyle Jamie Night

von Kyle am 16.10.2015 14:19




Christel Night

Jordan Night 


Mary Grantham

Schwester, die ich nie hatte
Felicity Smoak

Bester Freund

Beste Freundin
Veronica Meyer
Mary Grantham

Enge Freunde
Nikki Jean Black

Gute Freunde
Scott McCall

Hayden Smith
William Grantham


Oberflächliche Freunde

Gute Bekannte

Benjamin Cunningham
Drake Howl

Ehemalige Freunde 



Bester Feind

Beste Feindin

Finnian Vance

Hass auf


Ignorierte Personen


Silver Mercant



Schwarm von

Silver Mercant

Davis Abigail Montrouse

Diana Lightnin


Freundschaft Plus


Davis Abigail Montrouse

I can see you walkin' out, I'm not tryna believe it. There's no way that this can be for real, I'm dreamin'. I can see the water in your eyes. You don't have to do this. There has got to be a better way, I know it. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go. Broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on. Afraid everything is over now. The rain cloud is passing. Still I'm tryna wonder how I lost you. Are you really over me? You said so, don't believe it. You are where I wanna be, I love you. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you, in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go, broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.11.2015 21:29.


27, Weiblich

  Du hast Ahnung

Manhattan Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single Royal Club Moderator/in

Beiträge: 183

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Davis am 18.10.2015 22:31

Hast du was frei für Davis und Mary ?
Vielleicht für Mary bei Freunden da sie auf die gleiche Schule gehen und vom Charakter her passen könnten ?
Und vielleicht bei Davis bei Liebschaften etwas ? 🙈

Friends are Family.



27, Männlich


Brooklyn Mittelschicht KFG HIghschool Schüler Artclub Normal Single

Beiträge: 49

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Kyle am 18.10.2015 22:35

Ja, sehr gerne. Noch ist ja alles frei, was passt dir denn am besten?

I can see you walkin' out, I'm not tryna believe it. There's no way that this can be for real, I'm dreamin'. I can see the water in your eyes. You don't have to do this. There has got to be a better way, I know it. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go. Broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on. Afraid everything is over now. The rain cloud is passing. Still I'm tryna wonder how I lost you. Are you really over me? You said so, don't believe it. You are where I wanna be, I love you. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you, in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go, broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on.



27, Weiblich

  Du hast Ahnung

Manhattan Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Cheerleader Captain Beliebt Single Royal Club Moderator/in

Beiträge: 183

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Davis am 18.10.2015 22:41

Puh.. Für Mary vielleicht beste Freundin/bester Freund ? Oder soulmate? Eben so der beste buddie ?
Und bei Davis .. Ähm Hassliebe techtelmächtel? Oder Flirts und Freunde ? :)

Friends are Family.



27, Männlich


Brooklyn Mittelschicht KFG HIghschool Schüler Artclub Normal Single

Beiträge: 49

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Kyle am 18.10.2015 23:02

Dann bin ich bei Mary für die Soulmate und gleichzeitig ABF. Ist ja irgendwie dasselbe
Und mir wäre Techtelmechtel und Hass-Liebe gelegener. Kyle und ja  

I can see you walkin' out, I'm not tryna believe it. There's no way that this can be for real, I'm dreamin'. I can see the water in your eyes. You don't have to do this. There has got to be a better way, I know it. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go. Broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on. Afraid everything is over now. The rain cloud is passing. Still I'm tryna wonder how I lost you. Are you really over me? You said so, don't believe it. You are where I wanna be, I love you. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you, in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go, broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on.



25, Weiblich


Queens Mittelschicht KFG HIghschool Schüler Buchclub Captain Arbeitet Normal Single

Beiträge: 32

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Mary am 19.10.2015 19:21

Gut ich trags ein

My whole Life is a Lie.



27, Männlich

  Du hast Ahnung

Queens Reich LAT Highschool Schüler Lacrosseteam Beliebt Single Royal Club

Beiträge: 156

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von William am 25.10.2015 20:00

Hast du was für William? :)

                     Always remember that life is a secret




27, Männlich


Brooklyn Mittelschicht KFG HIghschool Schüler Artclub Normal Single

Beiträge: 49

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Kyle am 25.10.2015 22:24

Na, aber sicher. Was darf's denn sein? 

I can see you walkin' out, I'm not tryna believe it. There's no way that this can be for real, I'm dreamin'. I can see the water in your eyes. You don't have to do this. There has got to be a better way, I know it. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go. Broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on. Afraid everything is over now. The rain cloud is passing. Still I'm tryna wonder how I lost you. Are you really over me? You said so, don't believe it. You are where I wanna be, I love you. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you, in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go, broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on.



26, Männlich


Mittelschicht KFG HIghschool Schüler Lacrosseteam Beliebt Bronx Single

Beiträge: 122

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Scott am 26.10.2015 19:09

Auch was für Scott und Hayden?
Vielleicht bei Scott  gute Freunde und bei HAyden freunde?



27, Männlich


Brooklyn Mittelschicht KFG HIghschool Schüler Artclub Normal Single

Beiträge: 49

Re: Kyle Jamie Night

von Kyle am 29.10.2015 18:52

Hört sich gut an, ich trag es ein^^

Von dir brauch ich noch eine Antwort :)

I can see you walkin' out, I'm not tryna believe it. There's no way that this can be for real, I'm dreamin'. I can see the water in your eyes. You don't have to do this. There has got to be a better way, I know it. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go. Broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on. Afraid everything is over now. The rain cloud is passing. Still I'm tryna wonder how I lost you. Are you really over me? You said so, don't believe it. You are where I wanna be, I love you. Back up the day now. What did I do to get us to this point? Me losing you, in this moment. I feel it deep in my chest, I can't breathe. I can't let go, broken yet holding on to you, to us. This love is too strong for me to let go. Broken yet holding on.

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